Types Of Teeth Stains And How Teeth Whitening Eliminates Them

Teeth Whitening Saves You From Unwanted Dental Stains

Teeth discoloration is one of the common dental problems patients have. It has many causes and some may easily be treated with teeth whitening. Having said this, some teeth stains might not be removed with simple dental procedures. To understand more, you have to know about the types of dental stains first.

Types of teeth discoloration

  1. Extrinsic

Extrinsic discoloration happens when stains from food or tobacco remain on your teeth. Suffice to say, this type leaves marks on the surface of the teeth. It usually creates the grimy or spotted appearance that’s very noticeable when you smile.


Laser teeth whitening could simply break up the hardened blemishes. Fortunately, this high-end technology has the ability to detect the stains and permanently remove them. Aside from this, whitening toothpaste, strips, and other similar products are effective for this stain type.


Just make sure that after enjoying your morning coffee or tea, you clean your teeth. Might as well be moderate with smoking or just quit the habit for good.  

  1. Intrinsic

Unknown to many, there is what dentistry calls an intrinsic discoloration. It’s simply the opposite of extrinsic stains as they appear within the teeth and not the other way around. These aren’t simple cases of teeth blemishes because these involves medication side effects and physical trauma.


Teeth whitening home techniques do not give a guarantee in totally removing the discoloration. Nevertheless, your dentist would be able to help you in getting rid of it with a professional teeth bleaching process.


Other causes of intrinsic stains come from infection, disease and illness acquired from childhood, and aging.

Types of teeth discoloration

If you have this specific stain color on your teeth, here is what it means:

  • Yellow-brown or dark brown

Sometimes appearing yellowish, this type of dark appearance on your teeth reveals that you are a habitual tea or coffee drinker. Aside from that, you could also have this when you’re fond of drinking soda and red wine.


These mentioned liquids have high coloring properties and effortlessly leave a mark on your teeth without aftercare. Although laser teeth whitening is an immediate solution, the same issue returns if you don’t improve your oral hygiene. Most of all, smoking tobacco and cigarettes are really harmful to both your general and oral health.

  • Green

Green stains usually appear on kids’ teeth as a sign of poor oral hygiene. It might also be a symptom of a disease in the blood. This type of intrinsic discoloration is noticeable on the front teeth.

  • Orange

A dark or fading orange color near the gum lines is another type of intrinsic stains caused by chromogenic bacteria from food buildup. It could be a symptom to a developing gum disease so teeth whitening might not be the only treatment for this.

  • Bluish

The bluish shade on your teeth is an indication of medication exposure. Patients who are having maintenance pills might have this.


Furthermore, if you’re noticing a dark blue tooth formation, it might be telling you that your tooth is dying. Bleaching your tooth might no longer serve its purpose as you need to have it treated or extracted.

  • Black

This is also a sign of exposure to medication especially from an iron supplement. This intrinsic stain could easily be treated with laser teeth whitening and thorough dental aftercare.

  • White spots

Most teeth do not appear naturally white. So if you’re exposed to too much fluoride, this shows as white spots and it’s intrinsic. Teeth bleaching could help balance the shade of your teeth and lessen the visibility of the spots.

The New Hamburg teeth whitening treatment ensures that you get the proper care for your dental needs.