The Three Factors That Lead To Root Canal Complications

Anyone who needs to undergo a root canal therapy needs to understand that root canal complications could also happen. He needs to have a clear picture of what to expect during and after the treatment to overcome these drawbacks.

What is a root canal treatment?

An endodontist is a specialist who performs a root canal treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. This involves removing the damaged area of the tooth and pulp, cleaning and disinfecting, then filling and sealing it.

What to expect during root canal procedure?


1.     Your dentist will perform an X-ray for the tooth that needs treatment to determine the extent of damage and infection.

2.     Local anesthesia will be administered while you are undergoing the treatment. This will ease any discomfort during the therapy and will make it pain-free.

3.     A pulpectomy will be done by your endodontist to create an opening to the roots and remove the pulp.

4.     Root canals will be disinfected to remove bacteria that’s causing the toothache.

5.     Finally, the roots will be filled with gutta-percha material and sealed off with cement.


Your dentist will also educate you of the root canal infection symptoms. That’s why you need to rigidly follow the aftercare tips to prevent any infection and complication. You are expected to fully recover and get back to your daily routine 72 hours after the procedure.

Is severe pain one of the root canal complications?


Although most patients expect to feel some discomfort while recovering. The level of pain felt after the treatment should only ranges from a minimal ache to moderate pain. Medications will be prescribed to ease your discomfort. However, a severe pain is an indication that you’re experiencing root canal complications. Some bacteria may still be present in the canals that’s causing you severe pain. If you experience an unusual pain, contact your endodontist immediately for a follow-up treatment.

Three factors that lead to root canal complications

Some root canals are left untreated.

In rare cases, you might have more than one root that’s causing the pain in your tooth. In cases that one of the canals has remaining bacteria, it can lead to another root canal surgery. If this happens, the removal of the filling and the crown can be complicated. Hence, your endodontist ensures that all canals are disinfected well prior to sealing them to ultimately avoid complications and infections.

Certain root cracks are undetected.

As you may know, your teeth are susceptible to cracking and chipping; more so if you have undergone a root canal treatment. If the root of the treated tooth develops some unseen cracks, this can lead to a root canal infection. These cracks are the gateway for bacteria to grow inside the canals. Swelling and pain of the gums are the common root canal infection symptoms. If you experience any of these, visit your dentist as soon as possible to prevent it from worsening.

Dental fillings have eroded.

The dental filling used to cover the treated tooth erodes over time. This allows bacteria to populate again in your tooth roots. Some seal and filling elements easily wear out when you often clench or grind your teeth. Bacteria can penetrate the roots of your tooth again and cause root canal complications once the seal has eroded. A regular dental check-up helps your dentist determine if the fillings are still covering the treated tooth well enough. A dental crown may be recommended to fully cover the restored tooth.

A root canal therapy in London Ontario is what you need to save your diseased tooth. The dental staff at Creative Dentistry ensures that their patients do not show any root canal infection symptoms after the procedure.