
Dental Bridge: The Answer To Your Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Bridge

There are times when cracks develop on some teeth that are barely noticeable on X-rays. Unlike teeth with clearly detectable fractures, these very fine cracks are sometimes found below the gum line. Hence, it’s more challenging for dentists to notice without the aid of digital X-rays. If this happens, the dentist needs to remove the tooth and replace it with an implant or a dental bridge.


What is it?


A cracked tooth syndrome often occurs in a patient's molars, especially the lower molars. These are the teeth that often receive the most force from chewing. Patients who also suffer from bruxism, or excessive grinding or clenching one's teeth, are also susceptible to cracked tooth syndrome. Even a patient's simple bite may cause his molar cusps to exert undue pressure to the opposing tooth that it may start to develop cracks. A traditional dental bridge effectively fixes the tiny cracks once it becomes apparent.


What are the symptoms of a cracked tooth syndrome?


You’re suffering from a cracked tooth syndrome may experience pain when biting or chewing. However, it does not occur all the time. It may only become painful if you eat specific foods or when you bite in a certain way. You may also not experience constant ache, as you would if you had an abscessed tooth. However, the damaged tooth may be more sensitive when exposed to cold temperatures. Once the crack worsens, the tooth may shift. Thus, it will require you to undergo a dental bridge in London, Ontario.


How will the dentist diagnose it?


Your dentist will carefully examine your mouth and teeth, focusing his attention on the area where you feel the pain. He may use a dental explorer to feel for any cracks in the teeth. Your dentist will also ask you to have X-rays, although it won't show the crack. 


Your dentist may also use special tools to test the tooth in question. He may shine a very bright light on it or stain it with a special dye. If the tooth has a crown or filling, your dentist may scrape everything to see the tooth better. For very deep fractures that go below the gum lines, he may suggest a tooth extraction and replace it with a dental bridge or dentures.


How does a dental bridge help?


Once your dentist has determined the severity of the damage, he may still restore your smile through a porcelain dental bridge. It’ll act as a link between the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Dental bridges usually consist of two or more crowns located on either side of the gap. These anchoring teeth, or otherwise known as abutment teeth, help support the full- bridge implants to make it more stable.


To proceed with the treatment, you need to visit your dentist to have the abutment teeth ready. The preparation generally involved recontouring the abutment teeth by scraping a portion of enamel to give room for the crown that the dentist will place on top. Next, your dentist will get the impressions of your teeth and soon send it to the dental lab to fabricate your traditional dental bridge.


On your second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary bridge and proceed with adjusting the new porcelain or metal bridge. Your dentist may require multiple visits to check the fit of the bite and the metal framework. If it's a fixed bridge, your dentist may place temporary cement to ensure that it fits properly. Once everything is okay, the dentist will cement the dental bridge permanently.


How do I prevent cracked tooth syndrome from happening?


Understanding how it occurs is the best way to prevent it from happening. You may want to start with being aware of your dental habits such as grinding or clenching one's teeth. If you notice such behavior, talk to your dentist at West Five Family Dental for any treatments. Bruxism tends to increase your risk of developing a cracked tooth syndrome. Failure to diagnose it during its early stage might make matter worse, which may result in tooth extraction. Once the dentist removes it, he may replace it with a traditional dental bridge or an implant.